Kla's Blog

December 18, 2012

SPICE Level 3 and LabVIEW Parameter Extraction for the PMOS Common-Source Amplifier

Filed under: CMOS Models, Electronic device models., Uncategorized — kla @ 2:46 pm

The schematics diagram is from Schematics (version from 2002).


A DC  sweep is from LTSpiceIV (Linear Technology). That from Schematics is essentially identical. The DC transfer is 5.38 and 5.31 from Schematics, for VG1=2.8V. AIM Spice has DC transfer of 5.36.


The LabVIEW simulation gives the following. DC transfer i s 5.30. Diagram is below.



The gm computer is as follows. It computes ID at the operating point voltage plus and minus 1mV.


The circuit is constructed and a sweep is made, with the results as follows. The PMOS is from pins 13, 6, and 14. This is the same device (NXP) as used in the measurement circuit, M1. The CS amp simply by-passes M2. The operating-point current is approximately 1mA, similar to the peak for the CMOS switch.


The Diagram for the measurement is as shown here. Slopes are obtained with LabVIEW Interpolate functions as given below. The icon VD_ID represents the two DAQ voltmeters for current and VDS.



The parameter extractor is  shown here. Note that XJ and ETA are non-zero for this case. A detailed outline of Spice Level 3 is here in the appendix. There is an error in the expression for Ep, which is essentially UCRIT. UO is from a fit to XF1 (sum), VFB (VTO) is from a fit to XF1 (slope), GAMMA (NSUB) is from a fit to XF2 (sum) and KAPPA is from a fit to the slope of OC1. OC1 is obtained by by-passing M2, to obtain a wide range of VDS, as in the amplifier. XJ, UCRIT (VMAX), and ETA are used to find a precision fit to all of these. The transfer-characteristic is made with a monotonically increasing VDS1 in order to obtain a range of surface potential values for the GAMMA measurement from X2.


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